scenario musica
scanario musica


Scénario Musica è una rivista  che ospita saggi, approfondimenti e informazioni volti a fornire strumenti di studio nell'ambito della Storia della Canzone Italiana moderna e contemporanea,senza tralasciare altri generi e tradizioni musicali.

Compito del periodico è cogliere il carattere specifico di interpreti, autori dei testi, compositori, musicisti e direttori d'orchestra, scrittori ed editori, ma anche Istituzioni, Scuole, Conservatori auspicando una futura storicizzazione della Storia della Canzone Italiana.

Registrazione in Tribunale n.10/15 R.G. del 06/08/2015

Pubblicazioni n.306 saggi interviste e  comunicati. Video n.27 nel canale YT Scènario Musica.  Notizie flash 2

    Oggi è il 31-03-25

Notizie flash dalle agenzie stampa NEW!!!!!

I VIDEO più visti,canale YT. I SAGGI più letti


27.506 visualizzazioni : Ignazio Boschetto concerto a Marsala

25.886 visualizzazioni: Piero Barone festeggiato a Naro (AG)

8.596 visualizzazioni: Intervista a Roberto Vicari su I. Boschetto

2.176 visualizzazioni: ESC 2015

2.382 visualizzazioni: Gianluca Grignani Tour

altri .....


11167 visite:Festival celtico

7.299 visite:  Mamma mia musical

7.469 visite: Lorenzo Delli Priscoli

4858 visite: Miramare di Soverato

6146 visite: Wind Music Awards

3758 visite: Fabio Koryu

4494 visite: 'La notte dell'addio'

altri .....

(aggiornamenti al 25/06/2021)


SPECIAL - First edition journal competition‘Il Volo, six concerts in Sicily, land of art and emotions’ PDF Stampa E-mail
Mercoledì 02 Dicembre 2015 21:39




First edition journal competition Scénario Musica


Translation by Prof.ssa Elisabetta Scuto, supervisor; Prof.ssa Agata Valastro, supervisor; Matteo Grasso, Roberta Oliva, Alessandra Pappalardo, Alessia Principato, Daniele Rapisarda, Benedetta Romeo, Arianna Torres.




Patrocinio gratuito Order of Journalists of Sicily   


Patrocinio gratuito Acireale    




FB : Il VOLO, sei concerti in Sicilia tra arte ed emozioni

Instagram  hastag      #ilvoloseiconcertinsiciliaconcorso


Youtube     VIDEO

First edition journal competition Scénario musica

for young people between 13 and 20 years

with a special section open to everyone, no age limits

‘Il Volo, six concerts in Sicily, land of art and emotions’

‘’Il Volo, Piero Barone, Ignazio Boschetto, Gianluca Ginoble.

Six concerts in archaeological and historical sites in Sicily, like the Valley of the Temples

in Agrigento, the Ancient theatre in Taormina and the Verdura theatre in Palermo.

A mix of emotions, music and interludes in the Sicilian and Abruzzese dialects are enjoyed by the audience”



The initiative

-It is in line with the proposals of the ODG (National Order of Journalists) that promotes magazine reading among young people, a correct way of  reporting as well as the development of journalism as a means of socialization and a continue updating of communicative language ( –section ‘School newspaper’).


It is in line with the Miur (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) for the  diffusion of music on all educational levels and the selection of the writing task that is an article writing task typology that is either a short story or a newspaper article following the some guidelines as those of the Italian State Final exam.


-First Category : Aimed at young people between the ages of 13 to 15

For them is required the drafting of a new story, with the descriptive characters of people and places expositive and narrative with expressive emotional elements.

The texts, with title and summary, have to be accompanied by two original, unpublished pictures of IL VOLO in concert, inserted into an archeological, artistic setting or context. Pictures have to be with autor’s logo ( selfies and photomontages are exluded)

-Second Category:  Aimed at young people between the ages of 16 to 20

A draft of an unpublished short story is required or an unpublished newspaper article, that should contain the characteristics listed above regarding the inclusion of people and places. It should be expositive and its narrative have descriptive-emotional elements. There should be discussion, evaluation and evidence of justified opinions.

The text should be accompanied by two unpublished photographs of IL VOLO in concert, inserted into an archeological and artistic setting or context. There should be a photograph of the logo of the author (selfies or photomontages are excluted)

-Special Category – open to all regardless of age (excluding journalists or teachers)

A draft of an unpublished short story is required or an unpublished newspaper article that should include the following characteristics: descriptions of people and places, expositive and narrative in content and descriptive-emotional in nature. It should include discussion, evaluation and opinions which are opportunely supported.

The text must be accompanied by two photographs, as yet unpublished, of IL VOLO in concert, in an archeological/artistic setting. Photographs of the logo of the author (excluding selfies or photomontage).

-Please note that the compositions should be the author’s own work, any quotations must include the source of reference; as the judging panel has the right to exclude work which does not follow these guidelines.

-Regarding photographs, those which are under copyright are excluded as are those taken from websites with or without free access. Apart from the exclusion of selfies and photomontages, those photographs which have been adjusted are not to be included. The use of photographs in which light, contrast or color has been changed is permitted.

-In all cases, photographs are considered complimentary to the written text submitted in the competition and are only considered an elaboration and not evaluation  a newspapers

Submission and dates

All entries must be in PDF format in an:

11 point Calibri font, 930 words.

The first section must include a Title and Index.

The second and special section must include a subheading, Title and Index.

Photos can be in color, B/W, digital or analogic computerized format, with jpg or jpeg expansion, in 150 dpi.

Correlated by:

Productions must include name, surname, consent to the use of personal data (see data sheet), attachment 1, enrollment form.


Duty’s date


Duty’s date was established for the

31 January 2016

Deadline for application to be submitted by: Email: Questo indirizzo e-mail è protetto dallo spam bot. Abilita Javascript per vederlo.

Notification of winners

Winners will be contacted by email or telephone and results will be published on the magazine website.


All material and photos submitted will remain the property of the editor of Scénario musica. We reserve the right to reproduce and or exploit for reason educational or publicity the material without compensation to authors.

Essays might be published on the website,as well as used for the realization of exhibitions or initiatives for educational and publicity purposes.

We reserve the right to create booklets with the productions sent.
Submission of retries participant in the contest implies the possession of all rights to personal data provided by the editor all responsibilities or costs to the content of the service.


President, a journalist of OdG (order journalists Sicily)

Journalist  from Acireale and/or Catania; Naro and/or Agrigento; Marsala and/or Palermo.

Teachers from Acireale, Naro, Marsala.

A member of “Il Volo Naro Fan Club” [have to be evaluated]

Members of other Fan clubs “Il Volo”  [have to be evaluated]

P.S. Naro (AG) is Piero Barone’s hometown; Marsala (PA) is Ignazio Boschetto’s hometown.


Common criteria will be used to access the entries. Judges can also use criteria adepted in the Italian State Examination.



For the first three winners in all three categories:

The winning submissions will be published in the magazine  Scénario musica.

A plaque.

-[other prize to be decided ]

For all entrants:

A certificate of participation

Winners must be present during the awards ceremony otherwise the jury will slide the rankings.


Awards ceremony


First days of November  in an official place. Dates will be communicated.

Winners are responsible for travelling costs.

City [to be decided] Acireale, Naro or Marsala.

During the evening, seventeen students from IIB of High School Archimede in Acireale, will receive a certificate for a news report video on Acireale.

Attachement 1 -Form


Il Volo, six concerts in Sicily between art and emotions.

First edition

Journal competition Scènario musica

reserved for young people between ages 13 to 20

special section for everyone no age limit

Form of partecipation

name and surname ______________________________________________

birth date _____________________________________________________

hometown ________________________________________ zip code _____

address ____________________________ house number _____town______

phone number _______________________ email _____________________

school and class ________________________________________________


workplace _____________________________________________________


job ____________________________

place and date                                                                     holographic signature

____________                                                               ____________________

*For minors under 18  the signature of both parents or guardian is needed. Parents are separated/divorced  signatures must be provided by both parents(article 155 of civil code).

**The submission to the initiative constitutes and implies acceptance of the regulation,as well as the consent to the use of personal data for use indicated in the information published. Personal data released during the registration will be treated in accordance with D.Lgs 196/2003.The release by the participants of their personal data correspond to implicit authorization for the publication of their name and surname in all activities related to this contest.



Direttore Responsabile

Daniela Grazia Colamasi

Vice Direttore e Redattore Capo Fotografo

Angelo Pizzuto (Vicedirettore)


Giuseppe Spezzaferro(Redattore Capo)


Studio fotografico Giamichele Doria

Segreteria di Redazione e Coordinamento


- Liceo Sc. St. Archimede Acireale

Coordinamento: Emanuela Tropea, Dario Mignemi


Roma:Giovanni Orlando,  Frenzy Jazz, Antonio Sassone

Sanremo: Pinuccia Lazzarino

Sicilia: Angela Michele, Rosalia Riolo

Fotografi: Roberto Bob Tacconelli (Lazio); Saro Tomarchio (Sicilia)

Consulenza web: Alfio Casella

Canali e applicazioni




La rivista rispetta

gli articoli della Costituzione in materia specifica,

i precetti deontologici della professione,

i principi e le norme giuridiche obbligatorie

delle 'Carte'(OdG Nazionale)

La rivista non riceve finanziamento alcuno

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